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  • Writer
    Lee Lucas
    Lee Lucas
    My Online Store for Books Merch: https://lee-lucas-merch.printify.me/products/1

    Greetings, fabulous humans of the internet! How are you all doing? Quick heads up about me:

    Gender: Female (she/her)
    Native Language: Korean
    Language's spoke: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, (some) French
    Age: 15 :>
    Favorite Genre to Write: Dark Romance
    Favorite Genre to Read: Pride Love

    Oh yeah and, I'm more into fairy tales than sales pitches. So, if you're thinking of sweet-talking me into a marketing spiel, you might have better luck with a magic mirror.

    Plz contact me for collabs on stories. I would totally love to collaborate with you guys!
    Current collabs: None

    Your comments and likes are so much to me! I love reading interesting comments and even if its just a hello or starting up a convo, I will answer! My followers are the world to me aswell!

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 2:50pm

    -Lee Lucas :>
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So This is What Love Feels Like
PG Completed Paid content

There's a girl I’ve liked for a while now, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Her name is Lisa, and we’ve been close friends for a pretty long time now. Ugh, I hate school, I thought to myself. I walk towards the school entrance, but before I can make it, I hear a voice calling me, making me pause under the half-dead cherry blossoms. “Hey, Chris!” I watch as Lisa runs over to me. I look at her as she approaches, my ice-cold gaze softening slightly. “Ah, Lisa. What can I do for you today?”

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