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  • Contest Holder
    "Kill them with kindness" NO, TSUBAME GAESHI!!

    this barbie is going to fucking lose it <3

    Uhhh, im mori ig or whatever you want to call me. sick in the head (creativity) and cant execute it well. not really around here much but im trying my best not to die (so so tired and yet has so much to achieve)

    im a BDG (bisexual demisexual genderfluid) and i will bite you to the death (any/all pronouns, idgf)

    if you ask me who my favorite characters are and are ok with spoilers, im very hopeful you're prepared for execution (aka rambling)
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  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
Short Story/Drabble based upon music

So like... I said i was gonna try a contest thingie and here it is!! Simple really, just write a short story or drabble based on a song u listen too and stuff. the rules r that u must state the rating and if possible, warnings, so ik what im gonna read and also the song title (<- optional if u want me to find it myself lol). each person is allowed 3 entries. this will last this week so have fun yall 

So like... I said i was gonna try a contest thingie and here it is!! Simple really, just write a short story or drabble based on a song u listen too and stuff. the rules r that u must state the rating and if possible, warnings, so ik what im gonna read and also the song title (<- optional if u want me to find it myself lol). each person is allowed 3 entries. this will last this week so have fun yall 
