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    The enigma
    The enigma
    This is what you should know about me: that I am a nameless entity that haunts the darkest recesses of this platform in search of unwary minds to devour.
    Just kidding, as you might imagine. The truth is that I don't even understand myself sometimes, hence my name. That doesn't mean I don't have anything to say though.
    Welcome to my world, fair traveler of the internet. May you enjoy your time here and learn a thing or two.

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campaign Request update 0
Trouble in Paris


So you see, in the meantime, the French prime minister was spending the day at the lovuve having a threesome with the treasury minister and his mistress. You must understand that he was under a lot of pressure so he chose to blow of some steam, and also his compatriot;) haha I'm having so much fun! Should I send this to the group chat btw? French is sexy as hell and so are their women. It's funny then that the French are notorious pussies. Softer than a buttered croissant. Let me tell you a story…

   Now you see WW2 breaks out in September of 1939. Germany invades Poland and continues moving west. They reach France and pillage the French countryside. Eventually they reach paris

   A German officer enters the city and demands an immediate surrender. The French, awakened from a wine fueled orgy holding a baguette, are horrified. In a panic, they search for a solution. To think, they flee to their local coffee shops and furiously discuss their options over mamosas ;)

While they are busy, the German army is preparing a tank assault and bombers

The French distract themselves with furious lovemaking while the Germans plan their annihilation.

   Now this is where the French earn their flattering reputation 

I swear to God this is all historically accurate and it's awesome. I confess to embellishmentz but can you really blame me? I'm having fun.

   So you see, in the meantime, the French prime minister was spending the day at the Lovuve having a threesome with the treasury minister and his mistress. You must understand that he was under a lot of pressure so he chose to blow of some steam, and also his compatriot;) (puns)

   The German sends a final envoy and demands and immediate surrender. German tanks and bombers arrive at the gate to blow the French to kingdom come.

   The Germans stand firm. They don't plan to fuck around with French aristocrats while the rest of Europe plots their destruction. They aim their artillery and prepare to fire. The French are in uproar and ravish themselves on croissants in a futile attempt to calm themselves. Eventually a diplomat is sent to deal with the situation. There is a brief discussion as the envoy hangs his head. He understands that surrender means eternal humiliation and rape but he has little choice. The French value beauty above everything and Paris is among the greatest the world has ever seen.

The French mourn. And slowly raise a white flag above the eiffel tower and the flag gently flipped in the wind as a nation mourned. A single tear fell from the eye of the prime minister as he looked upon his nation in humiliation. And the world has never forgotten. Fin motherfuckers XD

Explosions XD

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope you had as much fun with it as I did writing it for you! Any criticism is appreciated. Again thank you for your time. I'm here to answer any questions you may have or to just talk. It means a lot to put my work int

o your loving hands 

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