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August 2023 Info


Someone said a lot of criminals are afraid of flashing lights I would imagine so would people with psychosis 

Someone driving by in the parking lot of Walmart said he was supposed to be a sex trafficker on August 7th 2023

Someone said in August 8th 2023 everyone who knew him said he did embarrassing things 

A woman on August 8th 2023 at the Walmart parking lot said if he wants to be her sex slave he can't be calling people retarded 
A woman said in the Walmart parking lot that day if he's a faggot just get him raped to death 
Another woman in the Walmart parking lot said he's to cute to get raped to death

A woman on the road on August 9th 2023 said are you sure he's evil, he's not freaking out 
If they cant get me to freak out, they will say he doesn't know right from wrong 

On August 9th in the Walmart parking lot Someone said he's probably going to be kidnapped as long as he doesn't freak out about...
A woman said she might flash lights at him he's kinda cute.
One guy Said retard complain about flashing lights you will get raped to death 
Someone said in the Walmart parking lot that day he raped a baby within 24 hours he's being arrested. Someone driving on the road that night said the only time they don't arrest .... is when they want them executed 
That day at Macy's after I talked to a woman that said sunglasses man to herself, a woman said he's lucky they know his name 
Someone said they might have believed it if he was freaking out 

Someone flashing lights at the Walmart parking lot said well Someone's getting executed after I said the mafia found me

I also remember someone in the Walmart parking lot said he is a alpha male
After I went to a bar in Northampton Someone on the road said cop said I told you he was a beta male 
A woman said in August 11th 2023 if he doesn't have mental issues he's going to be kidnapped 
A woman also said that day he's not crazy enough to put in a mental asylum 
on the ride home that night Someone said he's hiding it well but he's a sex slave, maybe referring to me acting like someone with psychosis or acting nervous around a ambulance flashing lights. Someone said she almost put him in a mental asylum but he was very submissive 
A woman that Day at Barnes and Nobels said definitely not a sex trafficker, referring to my youtube channels 
I thought someone said on the road if he knew they had police in multiple departments 
A woman In the Walmart parking lot said we will kidnap you anyways 
Another woman in the Walmart parking lot said we almost kidnapped him till he went to a strip club, probably referring to when I got out of the mental hospital 
I heard someone say a cop said if there are people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis It's not going to matter
A woman said if he has feelings he's definitely getting kidnapped 
On August 12th 2023 at night someone said after I'm mentioned people using tactics that mimic psychosis don't you ever take your eyes off his house
Someone on the 12th of August in the day on the ride to work under no circumstances are you to arrest him 
In my police reports I filed I exposed how these people operated including tactics that mimic psychosis and how it could rewire your braine and the control groups.
Someone said in the Walmart parking lot if he feels constantly monitored he's not a nice guy, is likely both people with psychosis and criminals could feel that way
Someone said hes a sociopath anyway 
A woman said it would not be any fun he's a psychopath 
Someone on the road in August said he's to strong willed to be blackmailed.
Someone said he might survive if he's strong willed enough 
Someone said in the Walmart parking lot he's lucky they know they are lying
A cop in hadley in the Walmart parking lot in his car Said probably going to be kidnapped at some point and said definitely not a retard 
Someone on the road on August 2023 said if they are people that disgusting they are going to be executed 
Someone in the Walmart parking lot said he's one of the few people they can't execute 
I heard my father in August 2023 say to himself he would have been arrested 
Someone at Walmarts parking lot said everyone who knew him said he was a evil retard
A woman that worked at Walmart said they were definitely lying about him not having a sex drive
Someone in the Walmart parking lot driving by said it's going to take a long time to convince them, I believe referring to convinceing people I was gay than a pedophile and a psychopath 
Someone driving by in the Walmart parking lot said those people lied about him being a faggot they are under investigation 
Someone said driving by in August 2023 they were poisoning everyone he knew against him
Someone working at Walmart in August 2023 said he was our target this whole time
there was also a woman that worked at walmart that said crazy at me days earlier and a woman that worked a icecream place that whispered stright jacket at me
Someone said they can't flash lights at him till they break his concentration 

The first time I noticed the neck turn motion they were doing was at c&s Westfield in 2019 2020, I originally thought it was some guys just being assholes and mocking how I turned my neck on the jack. Which had the effect of angering me

Apparently if those disgusting psychopaths slandering me can't break my concentration using tactics that mimic psychosis they get executed. I believe they were making up disgusting lies about me having a psychosis episode and looking around at lights. If they can't the tactics that mimic psychosis slowly erodes  your fear over time so people think you are a psychopath that combined with mocking and whispered insults to get you to aquire a lack of empathy. People would have been more likely to belive those lies if I had acted like I had psychosis 

Someone at walmart said thank God they are getting executed, referring to the people flashing lights and slandering me I believe 
Someone in Walmart in August 2023 said he's not desensitized enough yet
Someone said driving in the Walmart parking lot he was attractive enough.. in August 2023
Someone that works at Walmart said he has scitzoprenia anyway in August 2023
Someone driving by me at night in August 2023 said he better not be telling radical leftists 
A woman in the Walmart parking lot that worked at Walmart said on August 2023 they were the biggest retards in history anyway 
Someone at Walmart said he's probably going to be kidnapped by the women anyway
Someone said in August 21st 2023 after I mentioned flashing lights, he's definitely not evil
Someone said shortly after that there going to have to be executed 
In August 2023 a state cop driving by said he's a psychopath anyway, there were also people in the organization that said the same thing at Walmart that worked there
Someone said in August 21 2023 no one has every survived 
Someone said in the Walmart parking lot sorry someone put a hit on you
Someone in the Walmart parking lot said that's the guy who raped a baby 
Someone said why isn't he being arrested 
Someone on the road that night said ... been brutally raped to death if he had not said mafia brothel
Someone in the Walmart parking lot that day also said he's 100 percent sure it's a test run
One woman at Walmart said he's off her psychopath list
On August 23 2023  a cop in hadley I drove by said definitely not evil 
 they also have cops and firemen 

After I mentioned some of My whistle-blower information at Walmart someone said that worked there than some very powerful people put a hit on him then

On August 2023 a woman in Walmart said want to lick our ass..... shut up about those retards 
Someone that day said In Walmart no one's going to belive him anyway
After I mentioned I was put in a mental hospital in April 2023 and diagnosed with dillusionment disorder and psychosis a woman that worked at Walmart said he's going to have to be licking her ass......
Someone at Walmart Said he's not retarded enough to execute. Its possible people that freaked out they would execute
On August 23 on the ride home numerous vechicals flashing lights were blocking the road included firetrucks, someone said its a good thing he knows to keep his mouth shut. Someone else said he's probably going to be kidnapped. 
Also that day someone said something about he's just a crazy fuck that talks to himself. Someone said not there target
Someone on the road said before that if they don't stop changing their mind on what to make him
 In the Walmart parking lot that day someone said if they are crazy enough to flash lights at him
After I mentioned August 23 2023 at Walmart that they were people saying I was a evil freak that wore a cape played wow and sodomized boys Someone at Walmart said it's to retarded then, another person working at Walmart said he definitely not evil then, it's possible they gave them a chance to do a hit on me but did not know what they were up too
Another thing I overheard was a lot of foreign agents pretend to be psychopaths. It's possible they would hide their psychology 
Someone driving down my road said he's definitely not there target in August 2023
in august 2023 somone said hes running out of money
On August 2023 25th after I said Iam your target after someone said if he was our target he would be horrified, someone said he better not be their target. Someone said slowly get raped to death... shut your mouth 
Someone said there's not enough time 
Someone said he's very lucky they think it's a test run 
Someone said in the Walmart parking lot than we will have to take our police departments back then
Someone said a lot of criminals are afraid of flashing lights I would imagine so would people with psychosis 
someone said after i looked at my past bank of america financial records and saw i had 43,000 hes definetly not a sex traffiker 

Someone said on August 25th 2023 he's Lucky the woman found out about his facesitting fetish 
Someone said that day they almost executed him but too many women...
A woman said he would have been raped to death anyway
Someone said there were some very evil people trying to get him raped to death
On the way home the following was said, a cop in hadley said do you know what happens to people who flash lights at retards with psychosis 
Someone said when he .. knew he was a sex slave 
Someone said he's very lucky they know he's not a pedophile 
Someone said he's lucky they know he's not a retard 

In 2022 or 2021 someone said about some cops flashing lights at me In Williamsburg they are going to have to be sex traffickers. I filed police reports exposing how these people operate to numerous police departments over a year ago as of august 2023 including plainfield, ashfield, williamsburg, northampton, south deerfield. This included the control groups with options to make people sex traffickers, communists and forign agents and the fact tactics that mimic psychosis could be used to rewire the braine and give someone a psychosis episode especially after they brake someone's concentration.

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