
  • 作者
    Decker Immanuel
    Decker Immanuel
    Hello there, my name is Deker Immanuel. I have been writing since I could hold a pen, my writing has gotten me through the worst moments of life. It's has been my escape throughout my life, I am here to start releasing works that I have been working on for so long. I also have hopes in getting a few of my first books published as soon as next year. I am not a professional but I hope to be one day, to have my own studio to write as much and as often as I can would be the best job for me.
    So please check out my works and be as harsh as you can, critics makes me better, I have always believe that.
    See more
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Chasing My Mother's Sins.

Chapter 1
3 喜歡
373 閱讀
2 留言
Chapter 2
1 喜歡
292 閱讀
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Chapter 3
1 喜歡
188 閱讀
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Chapter 4
1 喜歡
220 閱讀
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Chapter 5
1 喜歡
197 閱讀
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Chapter 6
1 喜歡
181 閱讀
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Chapter 7
1 喜歡
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Chapter 8
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152 閱讀
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Chapter 9
1 喜歡
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Chapter 10
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Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
1 喜歡
208 閱讀
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Chapter 13
1 喜歡
156 閱讀
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Chapter 14
1 喜歡
144 閱讀
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Chapter 15
1 喜歡
167 閱讀
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Chapter 16
1 喜歡
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Chapter 17
1 喜歡
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Chapter 18
1 喜歡
147 閱讀
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Chapter 19
1 喜歡
153 閱讀
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Chapter 20
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Chapter 21
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Chapter 22
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Chapter 23
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 27
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Chapter 28
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Chapter 29
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Chapter 30
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Chapter 31
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Chapter 32
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Chapter 33
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Chapter 34
0 喜歡
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She was just eight years old when her entire world came crashing down. The night her own mother showed her true colors, revealed her true hand. The night that Verona was almost taken from her home, from her father, and would have met her momma and sister. That was five years ago, and while good has come, she can never allow herself to forget the darkness. Never let it go, never forgive, never forget, not allow one scar to heal on her body, now allow one person to go unpunished. Katherine Blackthorn took everything from her, and the only payment that could fix that mistake. Is one made of blood. After so long, Verona was starting to think that maybe she would never have the chance to get this debt repaid. Katherine hasn’t shown her face in nearly five years. 

“She is dead, she is dead now, and forevermore” That was what a small 13-year-old told herself for so long. A way to soothe her mind just a bit. To deal with the past, create a headcanon that is fact.

However, one day that canon was destroyed. 

After learning that Katherine Bloodthorn is still alive, and seems to be working in the criminal network of New York City. Verona hatches a plan to leave her home on Tarun’s Island. An island home to nearly 750,000 people that can tap into a special type of energy known as jepei. She joins her father Jonan Whisperwind, and his partner Joshua, in bringing in Katherine either alive or dead, as well as taking down the kingpin Hezekiah Wallace, who is more than meets the eye. She goes undercover to gain the trust of his daughter, a young girl who is being trained much how her mo- How Katherine used to train her. 

This was the moment that Verona had been waiting for her entire life. 

A chance to give her mother the ultimate punishment for her sins, repay it with death… yet talking about it was the easy part. Actually going through with it is the hard part. 

I hate her. 

I want to kill her. 

I will destroy her. 

I miss her….

I’m still scared of her.

Chapter 1
3 喜歡
373 閱讀
2 留言
Chapter 2
1 喜歡
292 閱讀
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Chapter 3
1 喜歡
188 閱讀
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
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181 閱讀
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Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
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152 閱讀
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Chapter 9
1 喜歡
182 閱讀
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Chapter 10
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159 閱讀
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Chapter 11
1 喜歡
178 閱讀
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Chapter 12
1 喜歡
208 閱讀
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Chapter 13
1 喜歡
156 閱讀
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Chapter 14
1 喜歡
144 閱讀
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Chapter 15
1 喜歡
167 閱讀
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Chapter 16
1 喜歡
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Chapter 17
1 喜歡
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Chapter 18
1 喜歡
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Chapter 19
1 喜歡
153 閱讀
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Chapter 20
1 喜歡
146 閱讀
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Chapter 21
1 喜歡
115 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 22
1 喜歡
153 閱讀
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Chapter 23
1 喜歡
259 閱讀
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Chapter 24
0 喜歡
125 閱讀
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 27
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Chapter 28
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Chapter 29
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Chapter 30
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Chapter 31
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Chapter 32
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Chapter 33
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Chapter 34
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155 閱讀
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