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The Dreams of A Vanilla House Wife
G Completed


As I drift off to sleep beside my loving husband of fifteen years, I start to smell to luxurious scent of Tom Ford on clean skin. I feel the warmth of his fingers on the back of neck untying the soft silk blindfold that was placed around my eyes. The man kissed my awaiting lips as I catch a glimpse of his crystal blue eyes, shielded by long dark lashes.I feel aroused and excited as I begin to realize where I am. 

I realize I am now hoisted up and cuffed to a saltire cross. The thought of not being able to move excites me even more as I look around at the dark room bathed in warm lighting. I spot a bed in the center of the room covered in silk sheets, a black leather bondage bench, and an assortment of canes, whips, crops, and toys lining the walls. I can see the glorious blue-eyed man standing in the corner with his back to me. 

He looks very formal. He is wearing black dress pants, with a matching belt, and a white button up shirt. His hair is a dirty blonde color that falls to his shoulders. As he turns around I can see a small portion of skin through his unbuttoned white shirt. He's tan. As he is walking towards me I can see him holding a riding crop. Some music starts to play, a soft non-lyrical tune that is setting the mood in the room. 

"Who are you?" I ask, biting my lip and looking into his eyes.

" I am Joseph, and you are my submissive. I am your Master and you will call me as such. You will do as I say or I will punish you. I want to push you to your limits, and wear you and your beautiful body out." He traces the riding crop down my body and flicks the end on my skin leaving my skin warm and stinging from the bite of the leather as he continues to talk to me putting his face closer and closer to mine. " Do you know your safe words?"

"Yes, Sir."

"What are they?"

" Red. Blue."

"Very good. Now we shall begin" he says as he kisses my lips tracing down my neck, on to my collar bone. "You look so beautiful in this gown." A sheer pink nightgown is draped over my body, with silk pink panties under it. He starts to massage my breasts and grasps the top of my gown and rips it away from my body leaving just my panties. Standing back he gazes at me. "I just need to change one more thing," he says as he rips the panties off. "Perfection" he whispers in my ear, sucking on my earlobe.

Once again he is tracing my body with the riding crop. Going down one leg and and up the other. Tickling and teasing before he brings the crop between the middle of my legs paying special attention to my thighs. He pauses for just a moment resting the crop in the middle of it and swiftly flicks it. I jerk as it makes contact, leaving a small pink welt on my flesh. He smiles as he does it repeatedly. When he is finished with his torture, I have tears streaming down my face and he is rubbing my thighs soothing the redness. He moves his hand up a little farther feeling the warmth and moisture that he has caused.

"You liked what I did to you, I can tell from the way your body is responding to the way I touch you. The way I kiss your lips and your neck." He continues to tease me doing each thing as he says it. Touching my wet pussy, kissing my eager lips, and my neck. I moan with each action. He teases me relentlessly, continuing with the crop, flicking it on various parts of my body my stomach, my nipples, my sides and on the top of my pussy. The bites of the crop is making me squirm against the shackles. 

He undoes the shackles holding my feet and ankles, and pulls them around himself and undoes my wrists next. I grasp onto his neck and start to make out with him as he heads for the silk covered bed. He lays me down gently and strips down out of his work clothes exposing his perfectly sun-kissed skin, washboard abs, and strong arms. His crystalin blue eyes lock with mine as he pulls his pants and boxers down his legs exposing his long hard cock that is begging for my attention. I smile and bite my lip as I crawl off the bed and onto my knees in front of him and look up at him. To my surprise he has a huge smile on his face. His smile is full of happiness and excitement. 

I start by kissing the head of his cock, sliding it slowly into my mouth teasing him and playing with his manhood. I want him to feel as aroused and excited as he made me feel. I take him into my mouth more and more as slowly as possible until he has had enough and yanks me up and throws me on the bed kissing me forcefully, and wanting. 

" I am in awe of you. I want you so badly right now. I am going to take you and make you wish that you never teased me like that. Do you understand?" he says as he's on top of me holding my hands above my head and ties them to the head board. He kisses my lips, down my neck, my nipples and down my stomach placing small kisses around the perimeter of my snatch. He is enjoying this, in love with the idea of making me squirm beneath his touch. 

He reaches his destination, placing one finger inside me inserting it slowly. I am craving the sweet release he is denying me. I moan and beg for him to be inside me and to fuck me hard and fast. " Please Master, take me over the edge with you. Let me cum all over your amazing cock. Please Master? I'm begging you." 

He takes one of his hands and unties the knots with ease, realising my hands as the other is rubbing my clit making me cum all over his hand. He kisses me once more. His kiss makes me more and more excited forcing me closer to climaxing again, as his fingers still reside inside me. I put my hands around his neck, and he places his rock hard cock inside my throbbing pussy. His cock is so large it stretches the walls of the my pussy filling it to the brim. He starts pulling out and pushing it in farther with each stroke. He wraps his hands in my hair and pulls my head back kissing my neck as we fall over the edge together. We collapse on the bed together and drift asleep with his arms around me, spent, in the wonderful afterglow of the wonderful love making. 

As the dream comes to an end I start to wake up in my own bed, in the arms of my wonderful husband. I kiss him good morning, with a smile on my face. The dreams I have will never be disclosed to him. In my dream world it is my secret escape to excitement in a bland vanilla lifestyle.

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