
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    2ignature Sm1ley-Face
    2ignature Sm1ley-Face
    Basically inactive 24/7
    ꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱ ~✧Pfp credit!!
    ./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.~> https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2
    Hello there!
    You can call me Sm1ley or Mimi.
    I am Nigerian.
    I am a Christian.
    I like to read, write, sing, and make jewelry.
    Fun Fact! I am 5'8 (as of the last time I checked)
    The stories I write aren't specifically in one genre; I just write whatever comes to mind!
    Most of the story covers are made or taken (pics) by me.
    Also, if you see any of my writing anywhere else than Penana:
    1st of all: it probably isn't me, and 2nd of all: please contact me about it.
    Thank you ^^
    I will ask you to be respectful to me and others when interacting with my works.
    I am open to new friends, as long as you're nice, and constructive criticism.
    Follow the fantastic people that follow me! (If you want, but please also do your own research.)
    Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my introduction.
    Bye! And please be safe
    Btw: You're awesome :)
    Have fun and write on!
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 Alex挑戰者 julia hope挑戰者 Bookinspired22挑戰者 Saurna挑戰者 Lamington 挑戰者 RampantStrawberry挑戰者 Just a little girl
  • 剩餘時間
The Moon Is A Thief

As the title says, I want you to write a story based on the prompt: "The Moon Is A Thief"

❤️ ~ Rules ~ ❤️

- Your entry must be PG, absolutely no sexual things can be included your entries.

- I will allow violence and stuff like that, but, if you can, keep it to a minimum, if you can't (which I don't really mind), please put a warning at the top of your entry, for anyone else who might want to read your entry.

- Your story can be as long as you want, but not that long, please. I don't have all the time in the world.

- Please be nice when commenting on others entries, if you aren't: I will disqualify you.

❤️ ~ Other Things ~ ❤️

- You can be as creative as you want!

- I had no kind of story idea/expectations when coming up with this prompt, so...go crazy!

- It can be in any genre you want!

- Ask questions if you're unsure about anything or just want to know more, it's better to ask than be sorry.

- Again, ask questions! There might be some things/rules I didn't include, so, you should probably ask me questions before you start your entries! 

- I will only give you three (3) weeks to write your entries!

- This will be judged as creator's pick!

❤️ ~ ❤️ ~ ❤️ ~

Have fun and write on! - 2ignature Sm1ley-Face

As the title says, I want you to write a story based on the prompt: "The Moon Is A Thief"

❤️ ~ Rules ~ ❤️

- Your entry must be PG, absolutely no sexual things can be included your entries.

- I will allow violence and stuff like that, but, if you can, keep it to a minimum, if you can't (which I don't really mind), please put a warning at the top of your entry, for anyone else who might want to read your entry.

- Your story can be as long as you want, but not that long, please. I don't have all the time in the world.

- Please be nice when commenting on others entries, if you aren't: I will disqualify you.

❤️ ~ Other Things ~ ❤️

- You can be as creative as you want!

- I had no kind of story idea/expectations when coming up with this prompt, so...go crazy!

- It can be in any genre you want!

- Ask questions if you're unsure about anything or just want to know more, it's better to ask than be sorry.

- Again, ask questions! There might be some things/rules I didn't include, so, you should probably ask me questions before you start your entries! 

- I will only give you three (3) weeks to write your entries!

- This will be judged as creator's pick!

❤️ ~ ❤️ ~ ❤️ ~

Have fun and write on! - 2ignature Sm1ley-Face

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