Tom ran as fast as he could towards the traveler, not wanting to let this chance slip away. “Hey! Wait there!” Tom screamed. The traveler turned his head slowly in Tom’s direction, and smiled creepily. “Hi, are you here for at Etrael for a trade? He questioned Tom at a spooky voice. Tom was confused, but took his possessions out. He got to his senses a while later, and soon remembered that he had read a book that introduced a imaginary world of trading. The traveler’s eyes lit up when he saw his writing pad and pens. He did not understand why, for they were only simple items. In the end, Tom traded few sheets of paper and a pen for a map. Tom chatted with the traveler, whose name was Luca. They got along with each other well, and Luca let Tom follow him, which made him feel glad and relieved.202Please respect copyright.PENANAvpio3fr3zt