2. Through the Forest
Another echoing screech was let out as the ground rumbled from something approaching. The sky began to turn dark and the woods with it as well. Then I saw them… these glowing red eyes emerging from the trees as it seems the beast was tracking our voices. After another screech, it shot fire from its eyes.
I didn't think, just acted, “Look out!”
I pushed the armor-clad woman out of the way as the bushes and trees around us ignited in fire. She pushed me back with her sword ready to battle.
“I would have had it.” she said, although I didn't fully believe her.
I turned back to the beast and raised the sword I had been given as well. Then beast finally emerged. It was a creature I could have never imagined. Pure nightmarefuel. I think they called such things chimeras where I'm from. It was a mixture of different animals or in this case, creatures.
The beast’s head was like a fish, but reminiscent of sea serpents from mythology with the long whiskers. The midsection reminded me of dragon illustrations, looking rock hard and scaley. It also had what looked to be razor sharp talons on its hands, feet, and the edges of it its curved bat-like wings. It stood on its hind legs towering as tall as the trees.
*What the fuck is that?!*
“We must act quickly! These blades are imbued with vorpal essence. It took me years to figure out the properties correctly, but they're the only thing that can bring the beast down!”
“Okay…” I said mild-manneredly as this is not what I was looking to get into in my fantasy getaway at all.
The beast took some steps forward looking ready to attack as it grunted out raspy speech, “I've waiting for this moment for some time. To see the crimson kingdom fall at my heels.”
*What the fuck?! It talks?*
“Did it just speak?!” I said stunned, looking towards the woman then back quickly to not get caught off guard.
“Yeah. It's not some mindless animal. How have you been around here and not know about the jabberwock?!”
*The what? Where have I heard that before?*
“I'm just glad it'll be you next. I've been hoping to catch you outside your kingdom. And now you're here. What. Luck.” echoed the jaberwock as steam poured from it's eyes into the air.
“If you help me slay it, you'll be rewarded. I swear on it!” she said as she darted forward, charging with her blade aimed at the jabberwock.
“Feint promises Red Queen,” chuckled the jabberwock as it winded up for another attack, curving it's wing back and thrusting forward.
“That's Hat!… Queen Alicent to you!” she corrected, as her blade clashed against the jaberwock's wing.
The talon on the edge of it's wing clanged against the sword as purple lightning cascaded off of it. The force pushed Alicent backwards, grinding her armor boots into the dirt. She stood infront of me now and as her hair parted with the wing, a giant red heart was uncovered upon the back of her armor.
*The Red Queen… Wait QUEEN?! A red queen, a heart, and jabberwock. Alice…?*
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland…?” I said profoundly, like I discovered the biggest secret.
“Yes, I. I am Alicent and this is Wonderland? What the hell is wrong with you? Move Knight!”
I had no more time to the think. Alicent was charging towards the beast again and this time it was charging towards her as well. And I… was just standing there like an idiot. I began to run and catch up to her, holding the sword with the pointy end towards the beast.
I've never been too physically active outside of mild weight lifting or a walk, but I did do some fencing in high school. The sword actually wasn't too heavy despite it's looks. It looked like a big steel, edged on both sides, arming sword, but with a purple glimmer to the blade. Maybe from the vorpal whatever, and then the hilt was wrapped in black leather. But with it being so light, it works in my favor, I suppose. I raised it up to pierce the jabberwock, but Alicent was going to meet the beast first.
The jabberwock lunged forward, reaching it's arms out to grab her. She dodged to the left, but not enough. The beast's talons clashed against the armor on her shoulder and easily broke it off throwing her off balance and forcing her to roll to the ground as her sword slid away from her.
*Great to know armor wouldn't do me good anyway… maybe that'll be my advantage. That stuff has got to be slowing her down quite a bit and the jabberwock is more focused on her. It was big, but slow. I just need an opening. Maybe I really can do this!*
As it's attention was focused on Alicent, the jabberwock let loose some deep chuckles as if victory was already assured, but I couldn't let it end like this. As I was ignored, I ran up to it's side and plunged the sword into it. While the scales looked tough, the blade seemed to go through them like butter, seemingly cauterizing at the same time as it cut so no blood spat out the wound. It let out a loud screech, swinging its arm towards me and knocking me backwards on my ass.
“Why do you still hold this grudge?!” Alicent spoke up, drawing the jaberwock's attention back to her.
“Why?!” The creature grumbled, clutching it's side, “I was asleep for so long and woke up to find that my mother had been killed. Not only that, but her being subjugated and controlled by the red queen is what led to her death! And you ask why?!”
“What you're talking about happened over 150 years ago!” she pleaded, “You're just making others suffer for no reason. No one alive now had any part of that back then.”
*Time must work a little differently here, but if the books are real to life, then that'd be about how much time has passed… Well, shit. I might have been able to work out an advantage or something… if I actually remembered things from the stories. But it sounds like they might not even be relevant to here.*
“And yet, you bare the namesake of the white knight that slayed her. Reason enough,” the jabberwock hissed, as it raised it's talon for a killing blow.
Alicent trembled with fear, raising her arms above her head with her eyes closed as to not see the final blow coming. *Shit! I gotta do something!* I quickly got to my feet, charging in once again. This time with a different approach.
End Part 2