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Book Four: Chapter Six: The Red-Haired Maiden of Ira Pt 1

Jun 19, 2024 22 4 Mins Read
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Life of Kaoru: An Action-Packed Dramatic Romance Series
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Table of Contents
#0 Intro
#1 Prologue
#2 Book One: Chapter One: The New Girl
#3 Book One: Chapter Two: Their First Mission and Party
#4 Book One: Chapter Three: First Party and the greet and meet...
#5 Book One: Chapter Four: Meeting the Infamous Warriors...
#6 Book One: Chapter Five: Fight To Test What You Are Made Of! Part One
#7 Book One: Chapter Six: Fight To Test What You Are Made Of! Part Two
#8 Book One: Chapter Seven: Fight To Test What You Are Made Of! Part Three
#9 Book One: Chapter Eight: The Vindictive Brother Part One
#10 Book One: Chapter Nine: Sibling Rivalry and The Fight Ahead
#11 Book One: Chapter Ten: The Fight Begins on the North Side
#12 Book One: Chapter Eleven: The Fight On The West Side
#13 Book One: Chapter Twelve: The Fight On The East Side
#14 Book One: Chapter Thirteen: The Fight Begins!
#15 Book One: Chapter Fourteen: Aoi vs Eros and his struggle
#16 Book One: Chapter Fifteen: Katsu vs. Minerva and Katsu's 20th
#17 Book One: Chapter Sixteen: Estia's Nightlife and Katsu's First Drink
#18 Book One: Chapter Seventeen: The Next Morning
#19 Book One: Side Story: Rumiko's Story Part One
#20 Book One: Side Story: Rumiko's Story: Part Two
#21 Book One: Chapter Eighteen: Dispelling the problem
#22 Book One: Chapter Nineteen: I want to help the needed
#23 Book One: Chapter Twenty: The Miserable Mistake Part 1
#24 Book One: Chapter Twenty-One: The Miserable Mistake Part 2
#25 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Two: Katsu's Past Mistakes Part One
#26 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Three: Katsu's Past Mistakes Part Two
#27 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Four: Ally's Fight and the Power of the Maiden, Virgo
#28 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Five: On the Search for Lila Nigatsu Part One
#29 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Six: On the Search for Lila Nigatsu Part Two
#30 Book One: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lila's Choice and Hironori's Thoughts
#31 Book Two: Chapter One: The Beginning of something unexpected
#32 Book Two: Chapter Two: Katsu's Past Part One
#33 Book Two: Chapter Three: Katsu's Past Part Three
#34 Chapter Two: Chapter Four: Katsu's Past Part Three
#35 Book Two: Chapter Five: Katsu's Past Part Four
#36 Book Two: Chapter Six: Katsu's Past Part Five/Rumiko's Battle
#37 Book Two: Chapter Seven: Katsu's Secret Revealed Part One
#38 Book Two: Chapter Eight: Katsu's Secret Revealed Part Two
#39 Book Two: Chapter Nine: Katsu's Past Revealed Part Three
#40 Book Two: Chapter Ten: Katsu's Recovery Part One
#41 Book Two: Chapter Eleven: Katsu's Recovery Part Two
#42 Book Two: Chapter Twelve: Strategy Time
#43 Book Two: Chapter Thirteen: Rumiko vs. Kin
#44 Book Two: Chapter Fourteen: Rumiko Awakens
#45 Book Two: Chapter Fifteen: Aoi and Kaoru's fight & the familiar face
#46 Book Two: Chapter Sixteen: Aoi vs. Raiki and Shirayuri/ Aoi's concern
#47 Book Two: Chapter Seventeen: Aoi's Concern and Kaoru's safety
#48 Book Two: Chapter Eighteen: Aoi's Secrets Part 1
#49 Book Two: Chapter Nineteen: Aoi's Secrets Part 2/Megumi's Promise Part 1
#50 Book Two: Chapter Twenty: Aoi's Secrets Part 3/Megumi's Promise Part 2
#51 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter One: Ally's Attack and Katsu's Flee
#52 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Two: Yukimoto's defiance and Katsu's Mission
#53 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Three: Megumi's Defense and Katsu's Trip
#54 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Four: Katsu's Answers / Conflicting Truth
#55 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Five: Katsu's Agony and Ally Wakes
#56 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Six: Katsu's Comforting
#57 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Seven: Katsu's Sins Revealed Part One
#58 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Eight: Katsu's Confessions & Repercussions Part 1
#59 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Nine: Katsu's Confessions & Repercussions Part 2
#60 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Ten: Katsu's Actions
#61 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Eleven Katsu's Decisions and Rin's Wavering Beliefs
#62 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Twelve: Katsu Wavers and Rin's Determination Part One
#63 Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Thirteen: Katsu Defends
#64 Book Two Part 1: Chapter Fourteen: The Forbidden Area, Girl and Knight
#65 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter One: Cosmos Attack and Kaoru's Cold Part 1
#66 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Two: Cosmos Kaoru's Cold and Himeiji's Presence
#67 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Three: The Crimson Ira Dragon Knight
#68 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Four: Rumiko's Victory/Retaliation in Avaritia
#69 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Five: Adal's appearance and Kaoru's Surprise?
#70 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Six: Tomoe vs. Ryu and Hakuren, Superbia Dragon King
#71 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Seven: Tomoe's Recovery/ Hakuren, Superbia Dragon King
#72 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Eight: Aoi becomes uneasy/Higashiyama's Slight Wrath
#73 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Nine: Rematch: Aoi vs. Raiki
#74 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Ten: Aoi Awakens and the Mysterious Girl
#75 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Eleven: The Mysterious Girl and Katsu's Shock
#76 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Twelve: Katsu and Higanbana's Past and Present
#77 Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Thirteen: Ally vs. Kuroyuri and the Red-haired girl
#78 Book Three: Intro: My Doubts and Urging Desires
#79 Book Three: Chapter One: My Dirty Laundry Pt 1
#80 Book Three: Chapter Two: My Dirty Laundry Pt 2
#81 Book Three: Chapter Three: The Nova Luna Gala and Serendipity
#82 Book Three: Chapter Four: Aoi's Outrage and the girl's heroic act
#83 Book Three: Chapter Five: Aoi's Secret Revealed and Serendipity
#84 Book Three: Chapter Six: Aoi's Lust and Kagami's Debut
#85 Book Three: Chapter Seven: Kagami and Aoi's smile
#86 Book Three: Chapter Eight: Aoi reunites with his mother and his smile
#87 Book Three: Chapter Nine: Adventure in Amaranth Part 1
#88 Book Three: Chapter Ten: Adventure in Amaranth Part 2
#89 Book Three: Chapter Eleven: Adventure in Amaranth Part 3
#90 Book Three: Chapter Twelve: Relaxation turns to Fighting
#91 Book Three: Chapter Thirteen: The Goddess of Chains and the Drinking Game
#92 Book Three: Chapter Fourteen: Poppy’s Announcement and Aoi’s sudden change
#93 Book Three: Chapter Fifteen: Aoi’s Peace and my half-hearted abstinence?
#94 Book Three: Chapter Sixteen: His Infidelity and the Consquences
#95 Book Three: Chapter Seventeen: Their attack /Aoi’s Truth Part 1
#96 Book Three: Chapter Eighteen: Aoi’s Talks and the Opposing Fate
#97 Book Three: Chapter Nineteen: Kaoru's Breakdown and her Fate Part 1
#98 Book Three: Chapter Twenty: Kaoru's Questions and Megumi's Tale
#99 Announcement
#100 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter One: Megumi Part 1
#101 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Two: Megumi Part 2
#102 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Three: Megumi Part 3
#103 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Four: Megumi Part 4
#104 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Five: Kaoru's Breakdown and her Fate Part 2
#105 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Six: Kaoru's Optimism and Aoi's Concern
#106 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Seven: Kaoru's Optimism and Aoi's Secret Mission
#107 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Eight: Entering Ismene Fos and the Sacred Ritual
#108 Book Three: Part 1 Chapter Nine: Ismene's Issues and Aoi's surprise
#109 Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Ten: Life of Kaoru
#110 Book Three: Part Two: Chapter One: My Choices
#111 Book Three: Part Two: Chapter Two: Aoi and Forbidden Temptation
#112 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Three: Aoi's Confession and Poppy's Elaborate Plan
#113 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Four: Aoi's Forlorn Past Revealed
#114 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Five: Aoi's Forlorn Past Revealed Part 2
#115 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Six: Aoi Time Part 1
#116 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Seven: Arinna Part One
#117 Announcement
#118 Book Three: Chapter Eight: Arinna Part Two
#119 Book Three: Chapter Nine: Arinna Part Three
#120 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Ten: Arinna Part Four
#121 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Eleven: Arinnitti Part 1
#122 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Twelve: Arinnitti Part 2
#123 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Thirteen: Arinnitti Part 3
#124 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Fourteen: Sundown at the Arinna Sun Festival
#125 Book Three: Part 2: Chapter Fifteen: Aftermath
#126 Book Four: Chapter One: Aoi and Forbidden Temptation Part Two
#127 Book Four: Chapter Two: Ally Time Pt 1
#128 Book Four: Chapter Three: What Must Be Done Pt 1
#129 Book Four: Chapter Four : What Must Be Done Pt 2
#130 Book Four: Chapter Five: What Must Be Done Pt 3
#131 Book Four: Chapter Six: The Red-Haired Maiden of Ira Pt 1