Charlie was a chair that had something the other chairs didn't. Charlie was supposedly a chair of royalty. All the chairs in the dining room had to listen as Charlie bragged about his royal upbringings and fine craftsmanship.
Indeed, Charlie was made from very smooth and polished wood. Carved in his arms were intricate designs of tree roots and even tiny sparrows. The other chairs were somewhat jealous of the treatment Charlie got as well. The owners would show him off to guests during dinners, people would gaze with wonder at his designs, and even worse was how the people who sat with him gave Charlie so much respect.
The other chairs were starting to get a bit irritated with Charlie and his preferential treatment, so they all devised a plan together. When the owners weren't looking the chairs would jump Charlie and ruin his perfect image. The chairs all agreed with this plan and waited until the owners had left.
All chairs prepared themselves as soon as the lights went out and silence filled the house. Then at that moment they all jumped and charged Charlie. The poor chair had absolutely no idea what was coming to him and pathetically tried to fight off the onslaught of chairs that stormed him. By the time the chairs were done Charlie looked more like a cheap knock off that had aged about fifty years.
When the owners got home they shrieked in terror at the mess the chairs had left behind. It turns out they knocked over quite a few valuables during their attack on poor Charlie. The owners came to the conclusion that a robbery had been taken place, and immediately contacted the authorities. Before leaving they took Charlie with them and loudly wept over his damage.
The chairs felt bad for a moment before noticing a very sly smile on the back of Charlie. Despite everything they'd done, Charlie still had the most support from his owners.
Charlie would eventually get about as fixed up as a chair in his position could. He still had scars from the attack, but managed to live on with an optimistic attitude. The other chairs couldn't help but admire old Charlie for his positive outlook.