Chapter One: Mom
“Listen here you little punk! you’re going to move out of my house now!” My mother yelled. Now you might ask, You why am I in this situation? Well, my sister told my mom I’m gay and my boyfriend told me I had to come out of the closet or we couldn’t be together, so he bought me a shirt to make it easier because we both thought my parents would see it and not address it. Turns out I’m wrong. I’m surprised they didn’t notice faster than I did. I never had any girlfriends, I’m a huge history buff who finds the parts about queer history the most interesting, I’m skinny enough that most people think I’m an anorexic woman, and I also got bullied my whole life for being seen as girly for not liking everything the other boys liked. The bullying started in middle school when the other boys realized I didn’t have any crushes or obsessed over women 24/7. Now I’m in high school and I’m seen as Brandon, the quiet doormat.
“Oh, excuse me for being toxic! You're wearing a shirt that celebrates something I disagree with, so now it's okay for you to be disrespectful? Move out, and take that disgusting shirt with you!" My mother continued as she noticed my shirt. I’m honestly terrified, I don’t know what thought is worse, the thought of her kicking me out and being on the streets like a street rat or the idea that she could tell Aaron. Aaron is my stepfather. I can’t stand him.
“Momma please listen to me, I'll never wear this shirt again and I won't tell my stepfather I'm gay.” I pleaded as I tried to reason with her. If I don’t tell him maybe she won’t tell him either and we can go back to pretending I’m like every other boy.
“That's not good enough. You're a disgrace to this family, and I don't want you under my roof anymore. Pack your things and get out." She sternly said. I’ve never seen her this upset before. She’s always been a very happy woman, she has purple hair that always has a black hairbow in it. She is thirty and I’m only fifteen. She had me young with my dad, they were high school sweethearts. You probably know already, they didn’t last long. They got a divorce and married separate partners. I have two step-siblings and two biological siblings, the rest of my family lives with my dad. I get on my knees and go into a praying position in front of my mother.
‘Please Mom please don't kick me out.” I pleaded.
“Don't beg, it's pathetic. I've had enough of your attitude and lifestyle. Leave now." She dismissed my pleading.
“Please Mom, please! I'll date a girl if you want!” I said still fighting for a chance to still have a home. I have no friends. I have nowhere to go. This is my only choice of housing unless I go into foster care.
“That's not the point and you know it. You're still wearing that shirt, and I can't tolerate it anymore. Get out." She explained with a sigh of irritation.
“I'll get rid of it okay?” Compromise was the only option at this point. I have nowhere else to turn. She lets out a sigh.
“Fine, but this isn't over. You're still disrespecting me and the values I hold dear. I expect you to change your behavior or we'll never see eye to eye again." She said agreeing to my compromise. I still have a place to live thankfully.
“Okay, I'm sorry Mom,” I replied with relief but also sadness and despair. It hurts I can’t be myself but I don’t have a choice. She would kill me if she found out about my boyfriend. She took a long pause.
“Well, I suppose an apology is a start. But remember, actions speak louder than words. Show me through your actions that you understand and respect my feelings." She explained. It almost felt condescending. I just don’t understand why she can’t accept me.
“Why don't you agree with me being gay?” I asked out of curiosity.
“I've told you before, it goes against my beliefs and values. But that's not the issue right now. The issue is your disrespectful behavior and the shirt you're wearing.” She explained looking slightly disgusted at my question. I then took off my shirt leaving me in a tank top and jeans.
“Good boy. Now, let's see how you behave from here on out. No more arguments or disrespectful tones, understood?" She looked at me waiting for an answer. This was the first time we ever argued. Me and my stepdad arguing a lot, he normally gets irritated but never angry.
“Yes ma'am,” I replied with my head down.
“Alright then. But remember, this isn't a blank check for disobedience. If you slip up again, we'll have a much bigger problem on our hands." She scolded.
“Yes, ma'am,” I said ashamedly with my head still down. She then looked at me sternly.
“Do you understand?" She asked finishing her spiel.
“Yes, ma'am,” I repeated.
“Good. Now let's move past this and focus on being a family again. But don't think for a second that I've forgotten about this incident. It's clear you still have some growing up to do." She started nagging again. I turn to look at the clock in the living room and it is time for my mom to go to work.
“Please don't leave me here with Aaron, I hate him,” I remarked.
“Well, you certainly know how to ruin a moment of progress. I'll see what I can do about him tonight. But remember, your behavior will also affect how he treats you. So, let's try to maintain some peace within the house." She nagged more. Sometimes I wish she could stop negging me on.
“Yes ma'am,” I said while giving her the coat she normally wears to work.
“Have a good day at work Mom.” I smiled at her weakly. She took her coat and walked out of the house. Now I’m all alone with my stepdad while my siblings are out of the house