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The Co-Write Setup
The Co-Write Setup
Looking for a co-writer
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1238 years ago
Would any body be interested in co-writing wings to fly?
Mr.Sniper8 years ago
What's it about
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1238 years ago
Alright... I'm gonna try to explain this in a few paragraphs, but be warned, I might fail epically
Mr.Sniper8 years ago
Lol ok
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1238 years ago
So Fairies and all those other magical creatures exhist, but it take more of a Tolken look to it, fairies are the main creature, and look more like angels than our versions of fairies, which are actually pixies, but I won't get into that.
So fairies are a children of the moon and her best friend goes kinda crazy because of this (the first chapter explains that much better)
So, the main character Rose and the bog who goes crazy, like eachother, and while he's in his crazed state he tells her he loved her, she's so freaked out and surprised, and rejects him. This drives him over the edge.
He goes completely mad, and swear his revenge on the earth. He steels the queens rock, so she becomes quite weak.
Rose is the put in charge. He is so angry, he forms alliances with dragons, ogres, and many other nasties of the fantasy world, he declares war.
His main goal is to kill Rose, and everyone else along with her, but he wants her to suffer, so he plans to steal her rock and flower and not offer it to the moon, from there, I have NO idea.
re.paige8 years ago
Did you ever find a co-writer?
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1238 years ago
@re.paige, no, but I'm taking a break from all my other books for NaNoRiMo
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