Chapter 1
“I won.” Neytiri pointed her blade at the young blonde nobleman’s head. Joseph’s sword flew out of his grasp as she smirked in triumph.
“Don’t you dare ever insult me again.”
He sat there on the ground exhausted, unable to comprehend what has just happened. He was unable to look at the woman in front of him with confidence. All that was left was shocked, angered, and his hurt pride. I have never lost before. Never to man let alone a puny little girl. Joseph was overcome with humiliation and shame.
“Dear nobleman, do you take back your words?” Neytiri asked knowing that she was infuriating him even more. She did not waver under the man’s glare. He challenged her, and this was the result. It didn’t even look intimidating. She chuckled lowly.
“Take back my words? I would rather die. I should have never agreed to the queen’s arrangement for you and me. You would only taint my pure noble’s bloodline anyway. Marrying a royal that can’t even use magic. What a joke.” Joseph said with the confident of someone who had won.
Neytiri gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to plunge her sword through his head.
“Now you have to find someone else, but he won’t be as good as me for obvious reason.” Joseph put his hands up and shook his head, laughing at Neytiri in a mocking way.
Neytiri laughed, “Why would you think I want to be with an idiot like you who can’t even choose his own damn fucking clothes early in the morning. Even if you were the last man on earth I wouldn’t marry you.” Neytiri smiled sweetly while keeping her glare on Joseph. “Joe. I don’t want to see you and you don’t want to see me. It’s mutual!” Neytiri paused losing her smile, eyes darken with angered, “So get lost before I end you myself. Never show your face in front of me ever again.”
Joseph’s body trembled. He was terrified of the consequences of his actions toward the girl in front of him and did not utter another word. For a man of honor and confidence, Joseph knew Neytiri wasn’t joking and immediately pick himself and run away.
What a coward. Neytiri though while putting away her sword. That teaches him not to mess with me again. She sighed, her body less tense now that the fight was over and did not need to deal with her ex-fiancé any longer. Neytiri untied her midnight blue hair and began her walk back to the castle.
“Princess, you know you should not do that. Your mother will be furious when she finds out about this.” Rose run up, flustered. Her brown eyes shown only concerned.
“Rose, you know not to call me that. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Just call me Neytiri like you always do.” Although Rose was a servant, she was also Neytiri’s closest and only friend. Neytiri glanced at Rose for a moment before fixing her hair, “Your hair is a mess.” Neytiri laughed fixing Rose’s orange sunset shoulder length hair.
“My hair is not the problem here and you know I can’t call you that when we are around other people.” Rose frustratedly said back. “Besides, you are going to get in trouble with your mother when she finds out about your little tantrum with Joseph.”
“I thought his name was Joe.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t even remember his name.”
“I tend to forget the things that really doesn’t matter. You should know that by now.”
“No more. Let’s go back before it gets late.”
Rose gave out a defeated sigh and to that Neytiri just chuckled.
“Besides, Rose, I don’t really care what my mother wants for or from me anyway. She doesn’t care about what I want anyway.”
“That is not true!”
“You and I both know it is the truth.”
Rose looked at Neytiri sadly, unable to find a way to cheer up her friend. They walked back in silence.
Once Neytiri and Rose reached the castle gate, a familiar face greeted them.
“Welcome back girls.” Leonard’s gruff yet kind voice called out.
“Hello Leonard.” Neytiri smiled. “Are you on guarding duty?”
“Yes. You girls are back awfully late. Haven’t seen you in a while Neytiri.”
“Yes, things been busy lately.” Neytiri spoke in a hushed voice, awkwardly avoiding her eyes.
“I was pretty sure you were with that boy earlier today. Where is he now?” Leonard asked.
“Yeah. This and that happened and he kind of run away.”
“What?” Leonard gruffly replied with a confused expression. “Okay. You totally roughed him up didn’t you my child.”
Neytiri awkwardly laughed, “Maybe, maybe not. Who knows right.”
Leonard only shook his head in disappointment, “Neytiri, one day you won’t be able to physically fight your way out of a situation. Haven’t I taught you this already?”
“Yes, but-”
“No buts. Learn from your mistakes and get stronger than who you are now.”
Neytiri could only stood there, embarrassed because she had not remembered her lessons with her mentor. She felt like a child who just got scolded but she didn’t feel weird about it. Neytiri considered Leonard liked a second father. Especially when her own parents did not care enough to pay attention to her when she needed it the most. To Neytiri, Leonard could possibly be the only fatherly love she had ever experienced in her life.
“Rose, my dear. Your mother is making your favorite apple pie today so remembered to come home early.”
“Yes dad.” Rose replied with a happy smiled.
Neytiri glanced at their relationship with slight jealousy but she would never show it too blatantly. I wish Leonard was my father too. Even so Neytiri can’t help but thought. She might crave for a relationship like them, but she already knew she could never get it. She could only slowly learn to accept it and instead of being a spoiled brat, wishing for everything to go her way.
“Well, you girls go get yourself clean up.” Leonard moved to the side, allowing Neytiri and Rose to walk.
“Thank you, Leo.” Neytiri smiled.
“I will see you later dad!”
Neytiri and Rose continue on the path before going their separate way.
“See you later Neytiri.” Rose called out as she ran back to her small cottage within the castle walls. “Can’t miss dinner today.” She giggled.
“Yep. I will see you later.” Neytiri waved but inside she felt disappointed. I wish Rose could have stayed a little longer. I really don’t like being by myself right now. Neytiri could never voice her selfish concerns and desires to Rose. To her having Rose by her side was enough. She could never ask for more. Neytiri didn’t want to drive her only friend away. That would leave with nothing but her empty self.
Once Rose was out of sight, Neytiri continued walking back to the main castle through the servant’s entrance. It became a habit at this point since she was always trying to avoid her family, she didn’t want to see her father, her mother, or even her sister. The castle was more of a prison than it was a home to her. Night soon approached quickly, and it was time for dinner.
Neytiri proceed to the dining hall but once she got there, she wanted to go straight back to her room.
“You are late!” Her mother screeched loudly for all to hear. “I shouldn’t have to expect such tardiness from you at this point in time.” Her mother rubbed her temple, as if just by looking at Neytiri gave her a headache.
Neytiri bit her lip. She knew she needed to refrain herself from getting angry in her mother’s presence but sometime, she couldn’t help but wanting to argue back.
“I apologized mother. I was busy.”
“Busy with what? Doing nothing. I know how you are. You are such a lazy child.”
Neytiri’s mother have never acknowledge her for her abilities or hard work. Neytiri could sword fight, do archery, learn the different medical herbs and her mother would still not see her as a capable daughter let alone a capable princess. She had tried so hard to get her mother’s attention, but all her mother cared about was magical abilities, which her little sister had but not her.
Neytiri’s little sister, Regina, sat there eating and snickering as she watched the scene in front of her. Prodigy. Genius. That was what people would call her sister, opposite to her. Mundane. Nothing. Regina was one of the children out of all the family generation that was able to use magic at the very young age of eight. Neytiri however was turning 19-year-old and was still unable to use magic. She always felt inferior in her younger sister presence. Never had the confidence to tell her off but only silent anger towards Regina.
“What happened to that man I set you up with?” Her mother tone lower down as Neytiri sat herself. She glanced at the empty seat at the head of the table. He isn’t here today either huh. He is never here anyway.
“That nobleman? He ran away.” Neytiri replied in a bored tone as she played with her food.
“Neytiri! That’s enough. If you can’t contribute to the kingdom then at least get engaged with somebody. This is the tenth person I set you up with.” The queen furiously scolded Neytiri. All Neytiri did was ignored her and continued eating, “Why can’t you be more like your little sister.
“Why can’t you be more of a mother to me?” Neytiri restrained broke as she spoke. “Why didn’t you treat me like how you treat Regina?” She continued as she stood up away from the table with clenched fist. Jealousy and anger taking over as she slowly lost control of herself. “That is right. Because I am nothing to you. A thing you just want to be rid of, marry off, and never to be seen again. All because I can’t use magic.” With those final words, Neytiri left the dining room. “Excuse me.”
“Neytiri.” Her mother warned her once as she left but Neytiri didn’t look back. “Neytiri.” She said once more. “Neytiri!” She furiously shouted yet Neytiri still chose not to look back. She never did, and she probably would never do so. To her, the queen was not a mother but just someone that had legal rights over her. Since the day they realized Neytiri couldn’t use magic, her parents were never parents to her.
Their love could never be for her who was useless in their eyes. They were all for someone else or even something else. She was nothing.