Came when the night fall with a gust of winds. Not short and not tall. Walking with a dragon cane with limping left leg. Both eyes always shut. When open, no one alive to tell what it is. Long white hair that have waist length. Haggard and old skin that full of wrinkles. Wear a lotus patterned of black robe that covered all except head and hand. Kind and sometimes senile old man. No one can see him unless they are allowed to. Came to the person to those that only see will-o'-the-wisp and believe into it. Acts as a guide to those in lost with the payment of their name and their history.
No one no knows his name. Lived from previous epoch. Living purpose is to record name and history of the rulers and guide them. Lost right eye due to power given to him. Lost right eye because eye no longer have function to him any longer. Speak ancient language while the intended audience automatically understand him without any knowledge of ancient language. Dragon cane is the gift from the elder dragon that lived from first epoch.