The Undergraduate gently touched my skin uninvitedly, he advanced with his fingers at
the brim of my ragged shirt, which barely covered my belly, it was a shirt good for
nothing but a fashionable pajamas. He continued his intrusion, using his index finger to
raise the stretchy band of my dark panty until it refrained and bounced back with the
sound of a snap onto my waist. He then explored shamelessly to ascend onto the soft
landings of my chest, and from the bottom of my throbbing heart and on my blushing
face wrapped in a mess of raven dark hair, they permeated the scent of lust, and on my
face was written all over with guilty pleasure…that I was truly shameless.
I intended to bury my embarrassment and all the emotions and sensuality, as I turned
my back on the owner of the dexterous hand that was plundering my bosom with lovely
greed, only to find a protruding object that tottered against my bottom, an object like
marble pillar rubbed against the recession where my spine resides. The tip of the pillar
seeped drops of mucus, drops that mingled with the sweat on my back and passion that
is shared between lovers.
His hand emerged from inside out of my ragged shirt, then retracted into a fist between
the gap of the shirt and buttoned me, exposing my busty assets. His lips like a diligent
farmer who awaits the time of harvest, planted a field of berries on my neck and
shoulders where veins appeared most visible. He whispered into my ear through a flock
of scented hair “I believe you need new garments…”, without me noticing what his
second hand had done to my secret place, he showed me his fingers which were
covered in glistering fluids, pure as liquid pearls.
Had I come this far to be beautifully ruined by a stranger?